You cannot visit Arizona without
visiting Mexico, until 1854 Arizona was Mexico! On our last Saturday with No
More Deaths we packed into the car and drove down to Nogales to cross the
border. The streets of Nogales, AZ were quiet, the only activity was in the
parking lots and a small strip of shops changing money and selling Mexican car
insurance. It took less than 5 minutes to walk across to Nogales, MX, where
suddenly Nogales came to life. The town was bustling with people, traffic,
souvenir markets, street vendors (selling everything from small appliances to
popsicles) and dentists. The dentist offices were piled on top of other, each
with a big sign advertising their services; it almost made me feel like I might
need some work done and that somehow by not going to the dentist I was not
getting the full Nogales experience.
One street in Nogalas, MX was practically empty, the one that runs parallel to the border fence. To call it a fence seems
inaccurate, it is more of a barrier, 25ft iron posts dominate the skyline and
are topped with rectangular iron sheets. On the Mexican side artists have
decorated the barrier with graffiti and arts installations and commemorated loved ones who have lost their lives at the border.
Through the gaps you can see the deserted streets of Nogales, AZ
and the cameras, motion detectors, vehicles and watch towers of US Border
It was not always this way. Prior
to the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 by
the Clinton administration, there was no barrier. People crossed regularly for seasonal work in the US on farmers and in
factories. They also crossed back again to spend holidays and special occasions
with their families.
Within a year of the passage of
the original NAFTA it became clear that the creators had either not given
serious thought to the impact of the agreement on Mexican workers or that they
did not care about it. As a result of heavily subsidized, cheap US corn flooding
the Mexican market and the expansion of large US corporations, for example
Walmart and Home Depot, opening big box stores in the country selling cheap
goods, Mexican farmers and small businesses owners lost their jobs or were
driven out of business. Consequently, Mexican workers did the only thing they
could do to provide for their families, they migrated north with the goal of
more permanent settlement in the US.
Free movement of people was not
part of the NAFTA plan; the goal was free movement of capital not workers.
On October 1, 1994, to combat
this increased migration, the US government launched its new policy of
Prevention Through Deterrence in San Diego with the first physical barriers on
the border and hiring additional Border Patrol agents. The goal of Prevention Through
Deterrence was to curb migration by Mexican workers by forcing them to risk
their lives crossing in the deadly deserts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and
California. Between 1994 and 1997, Prevention Trough Deterrence expanded
rapidly long the border with additional fencing being erected, increased Border
Patrol manpower and checkpoints up to 100 miles north of the actual border.
Over the past 24 years, more than
10,000 migrants have died in the desert as a result of Prevention Through
Deterrence and many thousands more have gone missing, fallen victim to people
smugglers, or been separated from their families though detention or
deportation. By all measures, the human cost of NAFTA, ignored by the drafters
of the original agreement, on Mexican workers and families has been immense.
Fast forward to 2018 and the
Trump administration is currently trying to renegotiate NAFTA. Given Trump’s
overwhelmingly nationalist, anti-immigrant stance it seems unlikely that his
administration’s proposed agreement gives any more thought to its impact on
Mexican workers than Clinton’s did.
Two of the mostly widely reported
proposals in the new NAFTA are the requirements that 75% of new car content be
made in North America (ie the US, Canada and Mexico) and 40 to 45% of content
be made by workers making $16 per hour. Ostensibly the goal of this second
provision is to force car manufacturers to bring jobs back to the US and hire
white US citizens. That is not the only possible outcome. How could this
provision could impact migration on the US-Mexico border?
Firstly, the US could see an
increase in Mexican migration similar to that which occurred in 1994. Car
manufacturers could open new factories in the US to comply with the $16 per
hour wage requirement. This would lead to job losses in Mexico and workers,
already skilled in those jobs, and facing shrinking employment opportunities at
home, crossing the border with the knowledge that their skills are needed in
the US and the hope that they will be paid well should they be able to secure a
Secondly, if car manufacturers move
factories to Canada, the US could become a “gateway” country. Mexican workers
faced with job losses at home might decide to risk the long journey to Canada.
The US could find itself hosting caravans of migrants crossing its southern
deserts, continuing across the plains of the mid-west and attempting to cross
its norther border in harsh, cold winter conditions, while also facing a
Canadian government berating it to do something to stop them. While there would be a kind of delicious irony in this scenario for the chattering classes, it would undoubtedly result in many more migrant deaths and family separations.
Lastly, car manufactures could
decide to pay workers in Mexico $16 an hour. This might make economic sense
when factoring in the costs of building new factories and hiring and training a
new work force in the US. This would make wages in the auto industry
disproportionately high compared to wages and cost of living in the rest of the
Mexican economy. Within Mexico, it would increase inequality and possibly,
ultimately, cause the type of gentrification we have seen in the US due to the
increasing disparity between wages for workers in the middle and working
classes. It could, ironically, also result in a reverse migration where US workers head
south, through the desert, to cross the border in search of a better life in
Mexico. The role of organizations like No More Deaths would be reversed from assisting migrants who have already crossed the border to preparing those getting ready to start the journey from Arizona.

All of these scenarios create new challenges for migrants, they all lead to long, dangerous journeys, hardship and upheaval
for families, and greater inequality. If there must be a North American Free
Trade Agreement, then it must include freedom of movement for people as well as
capital. Only by opening the borders and allowing human beings to move across
them as freely as car parts, money and technology can the US, Canada and Mexico
create an agreement that does not cause people to risk their lives through
migration and result in more families creating memorials to their loved ones at
the Nogales border barrier.
No More Deaths Border History
US Trade Representative NAFTA Fact Sheet